SEA of Virgina, Inc. (USED IN VA BY: StructuralEngineering Associates, Inc.) ID 48028898

  • Summary

    Formed in Virginia, SEA of Virgina, Inc. (USED IN VA BY: StructuralEngineering Associates, Inc.) is a registered business and is a Foreign Corporation pursuant to local laws and regulations. Assigned the registration number F1832171, according to the relevant government agency, it is Active.

  • Status

    Active updated recently more like this →

  • Kind

    Foreign Corporation more like this →

  • Address

    1000 WALNUT, SUITE 1570, KANSAS CITY MO64106
  • Officers

    INCORP SERVICES INC Registered Agent

  • Regulatory regime

    State Corporation Commission

  • Update status

    Last checked: 2024-04-23 12:07:39 UTC

  • Comments